Crypto Wallet First Txn feature (Transaction) is launched on Tokenview
4 min readFeb 7, 2024



Proudly announce that the feature First Transaction of Crypto Wallet is launched on Tokenview Developer Platform. First Txn is one of blockchain APIs delivered by Tokenview, to help web3 builders, data analysts, fraud detecting and AML experts to get the overall picture about the First Time Transaction of the wallet.

Blockchain is a black but transparent box. Normally one can see bunch of hashes written on the network, starting with 0x, bc1q, 1, 3, T, EM, or any random letters, that is difficult to understand what’s happening in blockchain inside. People can see 10+ Billion US dollars trading on chains daily, millions of transactions on chains weekly, billions of active wallet accounts on chains monthly. Then, How to know Who is doing What is becoming a mysterious question, especially for data analysis expert.

First Txn APIs are launched by Tokenview, and being expected to reshape the first image of a wallet from its birthday on chain. First Txn may answer:

  1. is it receiving gas fee or fund?
  2. who is the first receiver on the wallet?
  3. is it receiving random USDT on first token transfer?
  4. who sent the first gas fee?
  5. what smart contract is it interacting with?
  6. is my “to” address a scammer?

Now let’s see what the First Txn is.

Does it apply to all ETH addresses?

Yes. You can get the first transaction of any ETH address, of course, it has to be on-chain.

Does it apply to all tokens on Ethereum?

Yes. You can query any token’s first transaction on any Ethereum account, including contract. E.g. you can query the first USDT on ETH address, you also can query the first UNI, the first DAI, yes, any token.

Does it apply to NFT on Ethereum?

Yes. First Txn APIs can be used to retrieve any NFT’s first transaction on any Ethereum address.

Does it apply to all blockchains?

It applies to Ethereum for now. Subscribe Tokenview Developer Platform to get updates once more blockchains are supported. Features on Tokenview would be in a developing queue per Tokenviewers’ requests, so let us know if you eager to have it.

7 First Txn APIs

First Txn ETH Received

This is the first time the wallet receiving ETH. These ETHs might be gas fee, or pure ETH transfer, or cold ETH wallet.{address}/received?apikey={apikey}

"code": 1,
"msg": "成功",
"data": {
"type": "tx",
"network": "ETH",
"block_no": 19155181,
"height": 19155181,
"blockHash": "0xea93e84293bdd3ca715faed1d850d8952ad4890f1b02295906d6a0621894db37",
"index": 13,
"time": 1707052535,
"txid": "0x3e5f92fc00f830e4e9834fc762f305989ae34909845f59a8a0f7c1205765e1fe"

First Txn ETH Sent

This marked how the ETH transferred out the first time. Is it the test purpose? Is it returning back the left gas fee? Is it tranferring assets? Is it scattering or gathering?{address}/sent?apikey={apikey}

"code": 1,
"msg": "成功",
"data": {
"type": "tx",
"network": "ETH",
"block_no": 19155184,
"height": 19155184,
"blockHash": "0x207010ebdbc8b7ba04194f9a7a28b74f9bc1cc6beb4a318012e41c1ea4b84189",
"index": 11,
"time": 1707052571,
"txid": "0x0d0c586beb7131c7061799b9b194e5b4029ffad35fbf9ce2049af9f24bae69b3"

First Txn Token Received

For a specified token, this indicates who is sending the first one to the wallet, and when. E.g. Tether USDT, who sent the first USDT to the wallet, is it random or same with the gas fee sender?{address}/{token}/received?apikey={apikey}

"code": 1,
"msg": "成功",
"data": {
"type": "tx",
"network": "ETH",
"block_no": 19155100,
"height": 19155100,
"blockHash": "0x31d355b60b4db991ec4d6a5c82c9f5224eab7d5a2c4b529fc9fb0e8938b52f56",
"index": 8,
"time": 1707051563,
"txid": "0x4874ddea25dad5c6183ea2da43790adc4b52a42a8f99c65324d4a26cf727b7ab"

First Txn Token Sent

The first time the token asset is transferred out. Is it doing fund collection? Is the counterparty same with the gas fee sender? How long is between the token sent-out transaction and gas fee receipt?{address}/{token}/sent?apikey={apikey}

"code": 1,
"msg": "成功",
"data": {
"type": "tx",
"network": "ETH",
"block_no": 19155184,
"height": 19155184,
"blockHash": "0x207010ebdbc8b7ba04194f9a7a28b74f9bc1cc6beb4a318012e41c1ea4b84189",
"index": 11,
"time": 1707052571,
"txid": "0x0d0c586beb7131c7061799b9b194e5b4029ffad35fbf9ce2049af9f24bae69b3"

First Txn Contract Call

Is the account contract? What contract does the wallet interact with for the first time? Is it doing transaction with mixer? with suspicious fraud?{address}/received?apikey={apikey}

"code": 1,
"msg": "成功",
"data": {
"type": "tx",
"network": "ETH",
"block_no": 4634748,
"height": 4634748,
"blockHash": "0x1420761dbff0321c42a4bda163af2d7500d723b0139a72267c009d0eedfa9e6f",
"index": 64,
"time": 1511829681,
"txid": "0x2f1c5c2b44f771e942a8506148e256f94f1a464babc938ae0690c6e34cd79190"

First Txn Contract Transfer Out

Who was sending the first crypto asset through contract? What contract is the counterparty? What’s the contract’s nature?{address}/sent?apikey={apikey}


First Miner Block

Has ever the wallet mined any block? When did the wallet start to receive reward? How many ETHs were rewarded?{address}/miner?apikey={apikey}

"code": 1,
"msg": "成功",
"data": {
"type": "block",
"network": "ETH",
"block_no": 17036873,
"time": 1681366415,
"fee": "0.014344669924900027",
"blockhash": "0xa849648fecaa8f66288ed253fc2bc38cb5adb09c5d9265bf9d4620dd20ab4ab1",
"reward": "0.014344669924900027",
"size": 72298,
"previous_blockhash": "0xe23a17e74e00bb96c8e39db8d096ea60f12914d718cd31bbf1ff70c85f6573ba",
"confirmations": 2122927,
"miner": "0x7e2a2fa2a064f693f0a55c5639476d913ff12d05",
"merkleroot": "0xf26450b27edb74e42a32e0fec5f27bd6c41b51dccfb4b76b54f54d4dbc8411c3",
"unclesReward": "0",
"mixHash": "0x0829ae03387b5fefa31bcf468c9833f5ee268da9d46c607f66537de704d0286e",
"gasLimit": 30000000,
"lowestGasPrice": 23982267475,
"gasUsed": 15797687,
"nonce": "0x0000000000000000",
"sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347",
"receiptsRoot": "0x53aa63a95d18568bd054c232781ac3d0c51e59be2328f34951c3be6949128d67",
"callTxCnt": 35,
"tokenTxCnt": 163,
"sent_value": "36.314982332514101371",
"extraData": "؃\u0001\u000b\u0005gethgo1.20.2linux(Hex:0xd883010b05846765746888676f312e32302e32856c696e7578)",
"mining_difficulty": "0",
"totalDifficulty": "58750003716598352816469",
"txCnt": 215,
"uncles": [],
"baseFeePerGas": 23893907475,
"burntFee": "0.377468471497010325"


These are not only valuable for data analyst or AML expert, but also for those who lost crypto assets with unkown reasons. Maybe, the first Txn helps you to find the thief and to get more clues.

And the last, always, please contact Tokenview for any feedbacks and suggestions.



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